City of Phoenix Project Haven
by City of Phoenix Human Services Department
Region 9 · Phoenix, AZ

Project Haven is a temporary emergency shelter erected in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is operated by a sub-grantee agency: Centralized Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) who, in partnership with the Regional Coordinated Entry System (CES) and a local homeless medical provider agency Circle The City (CTC), prioritize shelter beds for the medically vulnerable and seniors experiencing homelessness within the City of Phoenix. ESG COVID funds have been utilized to procure 75 beds at a local hotel wherein shelter, daily meals, case management, medical care, and other stabilization services are provided to homeless persons. In doing so, the City of Phoenix seeks to end participant’s homelessness through emergency housing, stabilization services, and the provision of a pathway to permanent housing while simultaneously responding to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Local Need Addressed
This project was designed to serve seniors and medically vulnerable individuals who are at a higher risk of severe complications due to COVID-19 exposure.
- Systemically and region-wide, Maricopa County lacks smaller specialized emergency shelters.
- According to the Arizona Department of Economic Security, senior citizens are a growing demographic of individuals experiencing homelessness due to a fixed income that is disproportionate to the rising fair market rental market within the City of Phoenix.
- The need for Project Haven was in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, along with the information received by the Arizona Department of Economic Security regarding senior citizens being the growing demographic of individuals experiencing homelessness due to a fixed income that is disproportionate to the rising fair market rental market within the City of Phoenix.
Transformative Impact

Alleviates causes and conditions of poverty for many seniors and medically vulnerable individuals

Offers temporary housing stabilization services and financial assistance

Provides a pathway to permanent housing and long-term success of the individual
Evidence-Based Outcomes
Clients engaged with the Coordinated Entry System
Eligible clients received a VI-SPDAT Assessment since Project Haven began
Clients have exited to permanent supportive housing since Project Haven began
of 229 Project Haven clients enrolled in Rapid Rehousing services were case managed
Customer Voice
There is a weekly virtual case conferencing call between all partnering agencies. Additionally, United Healthcare and Resilient Health are on-site and provide regular interaction and feedback from both CASS staff and clients enrolled in the program. This feedback influences the processes and services provided and then changes are made accordingly.
Equity Lens
In addition to providing precautionary services as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a smaller and specialized emergency shelter operation protocol will drive an improved service allocation structure. Being able to align services to meet the unique needs of each individual is not only a best practice (person-centered services) but also results in more positive housing exits and permanent housing solutions.
City of Phoenix Human Services Department
200 W. Washington St., 18th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: (602) 495-5700
Email: [javascript protected email address]
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