Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program
by Beaufort Jasper Economic Opportunity Commission
Region 4B · Beaufort, SChttps://thebjeoc.org/

Beaufort Jasper Economic Opportunity Commission (BJEOC)’s Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program provides customers with direct housing rehabilitation services. This venture targets housing projects that preserve single family, owner-occupied housing and encourage neighborhood revitalization.
In general, the Program emphasizes coordination of area-wide resources (LIHEAP, Weatherization Assistance Programs, etc.), all of which assist individuals in achieving improved self-sufficiency and assist in identifying and addressing factors contributing to energy-related adversities. For example, in conjunction with rehabilitation activities, LIHEAP funds have been used to replace or repair inefficient home heating/cooling systems. The Housing Rehabilitation Project draws upon grants from other funding sources (USDA Rural Development, SC Housing Trust Fund, Lowcountry Council of Governments, Beaufort County Council, Jasper County Council, etc.) to finance the rehabilitation of residential single-family homes, including improvements to increase the energy efficiency of the structures.
The need for more affordable standardized housing in our target areas, coupled with a continuous decrease in national, state, and local funding of housing assistance services, necessitates a reliance on community partnerships and coordination. This is essential if we are committed to effectively combating the problem of substandard housing in our community.
Housing rehabilitation strengthens community economic development through the creation of jobs, improves public infrastructure and eliminates conditions which are detrimental to health, safety, and public welfare. This program aims to expand bi-county housing stock in order to provide a decent home and suitable living environment for people who are low income, elderly, and disabled.
Local Need Addressed
Families are at risk of being displaced due to living in substandard housing. They may be economically unable to afford necessary repairs or other affordable housing. BJEOC will address the serious housing deterioration problems that exist in our area by providing forgivable grants that aid low-income homeowners who are now living in sub-standard housing that can adversely affect the health and safety of its occupants.
Customer Voice
Customers complete customer satisfaction surveys after receiving services. Positive impacts on customers’ lives has been documented through qualitative feedback from recipients of the Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program.
Equity Lens
The program collects demographic and income information on all participants, which presents the following statistics: The majority of the recipients are African American, 62 years of age or older. The second most-served group is Caucasian females 62 years of age or older.
Beaufort Jasper Economic Opportunity Commission
Beaufort, SC 29902
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