Ryan’s Place
by KCEOC Community Action Partnership
Region 4B · Gray, Kentuckyhttps://www.kceoc.org/

Ryan’s Place is a crisis center for youth aged 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness. There are multiple forms of homelessness, such as staying in a place not meant for human habitation and fleeing a domestic violence situation. Services offered include:
- Housing search and counseling services (finding and obtaining housing)
- Employment services (obtaining employment)
- Education services (obtaining a GED, applying for college, etc.)
- Life skills training (money management, conflict management, parenting skills, etc.)
- Case management (referrals to professionals, assist with obtaining benefits, etc.)
Ryan’s Place is equipped with four apartment units. Each unit is two-bedrooms and fully furnished with a kitchen, appliances, and furniture. Each client is given bedding, clothing, and essential supplies as needed for their apartment. There is a laundry room for clients, a common area complete with a full kitchen for group dinners, a living area with a TV and furniture, and a meeting area for Youth Voices meetings and workshops.
KCEOC Community Action Partnership
Gray, KY 40734
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