SENDCAA Work Force Development Program
by Community Action Partnership of North Dakota
Region 8 · Fargo, ND

The Workforce Development program at SENDCAA was implemented at the beginning of 2020. The Workforce Development Initiative with United Way provides funding for SENDCAA’s Workforce Development Case Manager. The Workforce Development Case Manager’s role is to provide supportive services to individuals who are underemployed or unemployed; by connecting them to in-demand training and employment. One of the main goals of the Workforce Development Program is to lift people out of poverty by helping low-income individuals obtain and maintain livable wage employment.
Local Need Addressed
SENDCAA utilized data from their 2018 needs assessment to identify the need for the community to offer a WFD program.
- SENDCAA worked for 2+ years in a planning process that included their community partners (United Way, Lakes and Prairies CAA, NDSCS), their Board of Directors, and their management team. SENDCAA was able to identify their need for additional funding to help leverage the case manager position.
Transformative Impact

Increases access to job training and equips participants to obtain livable wage jobs

Addresses barriers to employment and the needs of the entire family

Provides case management guided by a whole family approach
Evidence-Based Outcomes
Eligible clients recruited to the program
Completion of training/skills program
Clients who receive training certification, degree, or credential, and obtain a livable wage job
Customer Voice
SENDCAA solicits clients’ input via needs assessments and case management. The program is in its infancy but there are tentative future plans to have graduates become involved in the program; speaking to incoming enrollees, etc.
SENDCAA has began to discuss implementing an exit survey after individuals complete the program or exit to gather feedback and further adapt the program.
- More than wonderful I liked the class and the computer is just perfect, I don’t know how thank you but let God bless you so much for your help, thanks.”
- “I want to say thank you very much for your help and support me to encourage me God bless you. Evelyne”
- “Thank you for always motivating me.”
- “Thank you sooo much it’s because of you this was possible and I am very grateful to you thank you so much.”
- “Good morning Ashley, Thank you for encouraging me each time you check in! Practicals went well at NDSCS last night. Thank you for always checking on my progress and have a fantastic weekend.”
- “I appreciate all your help Ashley very grateful to have you in my corner.”
Equity Lens
One of the ways WFD address racial inequity is by providing services with low barriers and implementing outreach weekly within the community so that individuals have access to services. This increases access to training programs and education resources for all individuals. SENDCAA’s Workforce Development Program also works with a community of partners through United Way; called the ESHARA. ESHARA is a group of partners from a diverse background providing culturally appropriate services for all and advocating for New American population. Workforce will continuously work towards addressing inequities in the services provided by learning, being an advocate for racial justice, and breaking down barriers to employment.
Community Action Partnership of North Dakota
Fargo, ND 58104
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